Harmanings, WHY?
decline of religion in the Czech Republic


The country that birthed world changing church reformers and missionaries is now a country where 90% of the population dismisses religion and the existence of God. (Please note that all shades of color refer to ANY professed faith in any god or spiritual concept; active protestant population is less than 0.8%)

Communism successfully brainwashed the generation of Katcha's parents.

Now, the percentage of atheism is growing, not because more and more people decide to disbelieve in God – but because the generation who knew God is slowly leaving to be with the Lord, and no one is teaching the new generation about Christ.

The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few!

God has given us a passion to grow God’s Kingdom through the context of a local church. He has been calling us for a long time to use our spiritual gifting as teachers and leaders to benefit the Czech Church. Czech churches are small in size and welcome any willing and able hand.